Friday, September 05, 2008


Had my first RIDICULOUS day at work yesterday. The morning wasn't so bad, but then I was asked to do an intake around 11 (just so you know, Case Managers really aren't supposed to do intakes, but the intake team is swamped lately, so we get to do some of their work for them). The intake took about an hour and a half, during which time I received a call from someone at the hospital - a client of mine is there, ready for discharge, wanted to know what to do with her - the client was assigned to me late the previous afternoon, how the heck do I know what you should do with her?! I tell her I'll call her back. Then another client is waiting for me in the waiting room (a walk-in), so I meet with her. She's got legal issues up the wazoo, and basically want's be to write a whole bunch of stuff for her to help her case, problem is, that's not my job. Oh, and she has a SERIOUS case of ADHD (I'm not being facetious here) and so has no ability to stay on topic. While I'm with her, another client comes to see me. This one is homeless as of today, and wants me to help her. I take a break from the first client, speak with the second (it's now about 3:30). Oh, but before I do, I have to call the hospital lady back, just to tell her that I don't know anything. So then I talk to this homeless lady, who brought about 6 huge bags full of stuff with her. She asks for a ride to the shelter, 'cause she can't carry all her stuff. I hesitanly agree, then I tell her to scram for a bit so I can finish with this other client. So she comes back in - talks a million miles a minute about - everything - I finally get her out of my office. It's 4:30. I jump in the van with the other client, drive her to the shelter, there's no one at the shelter, but I leave her there anyway (because at this point, I don't care). Rush back to the office. And then I go home.

I went to bed at 8 o'clock last night...

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