Monday, September 15, 2008

Interesting Turn of Events

Last Thursday I received an email from the HR Generalist at work. In it she said she was attempting to verify my degree, but was having trouble finding any contact information for the school, and asked if I could help. So I looked - for sure, there is not even a hint of a website for the school I graduated from. It's a very small school, so I guess it's not completely surprising. So I had to email the nice HR lady back and say, "I'll have to get back to you on that one."

So over the weekend I tracked down the number for the President of the school, and had a little chat with him...Let me back up a bit...

When I graduated from Freedom Seminary with a B.A. in Biblical Studies, I was told that the school was not yet accredited, but was working toward accreditation, that they were in the tail end of that process, and that when the process was complete, I would be grandfathered in. Since I had spent the previous two years at a non-accredited Bible School, the prospect of a school accepting all those classes toward an accredited degree sounded great! I knew it wouldn't be a prestigious degree, but what do I care?

So, over this past weekend I spoke with the President of the school to let him know that someone might be calling to confirm my degree, and while on the phone I asked him where the school was in the process of becoming accredited. I wish I could say I was surprised at his answer, but I wasn't. They're still in the process. According to him, the big thing that is standing between them and accreditation is some specific type of external audit that takes a couple of years and costs $25,000. Needless to say, this small school doesn't have $25,000 sitting around.

Long story short, I have to go in to work today and tell them that my degree is from a currently non-accredited school. Chances are, this little revelation will cost me my job.

::Surprising spiritual twist::

Since Thursday I have had a knot in my stomach about the whole thing. Then I went to church on Sunday. The pastor preached about faith, and about trust. The title of the sermon was "Focusing Your Faith." The worship was wonderful, and I felt wrapped in God's presence. Then the sermon just brought me to a wonderful place of calm trust, that whatever transpired with my job, God was going to take care of me. I just had this wonderful peace that I was in God's hands, and in His plan and nothing was going to change that. God is awesome.

1 comment:

the-unintentional-blogger said...

Wow. I'll pray that this all gets worked out. The encouraging thing to me is that while it looks like it's uncertain if your in the right job, it sounds like your DEFINTATELY in the right church! I've picked up some subtle hints from you in past posts that you have somewhat of a mild affection for your church... :)