Tuesday, August 05, 2008

'Nother day, 'nother dollar

So, today is day 2 of orientation, followed by about a week and a half of training before I actually start to do my job! Still, it's good. I've met some cool people already, a few of whom will actually be working at the same site as me (or is it, "the same site as 'I' "). Anyway, it's nice to know that I am in the "gainfully employed" category again.

Oh, and I weighed myself this morning - 222.6 lbs! That's 14 lbs since I started a little over a month ago. I'm happy. I'm actually now starting to see and feel the difference. I'm using the next notch on my belt, my shirts are fitting a bit more nicely. AND, and I can't stop thinking about this church I attended Sunday. It was incredible! I guess after four months of limbo, it just feels like everything is sort of "clicking" all of a sudden in my life - work, church, a sense of purpose and excitement, meeting new people...Life is good.

1 comment:

the-unintentional-blogger said...

Scott's doing his happy dance for you. It really is quite a sight...