Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A tardy Christmas...

Growing up in upstate NY, snow was a very large and inseparable part of Christmas. I honestly can't remember a Christmas without snow. Our definition of "white Christmas" was that snow fell on Christmas day, not that there was snow on the ground - we assumed there would be snow on the ground!

However, here in Arizona we are not even guaranteed a cold Christmas, let alone a white Christmas, and there is certainly no hope of snow! However...

My sister and I are actually huddling together for warmth...

It may have come a few days late, but it came.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Preach it Ben Stein!

See the Video Here (it's called, "Who are Nick and Jessica?"

So Ben Stein put out this humorous but profound commentary about Nick and Jessica and ... God??? But seriously, check it out, you'll appreciate it.