Thursday, October 02, 2008


My poor, neglected "amusing musings" blog. I've got to post something.

I weighed in at 210 lbs this morning. I haven't posted my weight in a while hasn't changed in a while. At least I'm not gaining! I guess 26 lbs down from where I started isn't too bad. I'm hoping to lose the love handles soon though! Sheesh!

I've been real busy lately. Work from 8-5, then on Tuesdays I have Life Group, and Wednesdays I have church (though I haven't gone to Wednesday nights in awhile). My sister's wedding is a week from this Saturday - it's so weird that my sister will be married.

I'm still waiting to hear from Christ Life Church in Tempe. I sent them off a "demo" the other day so they could see where I am musically. I'm scared about it, honestly. I worked for a week trying to put something good together, and everything felt like crap. So I emailed the Associate Pastor there and told him that I was working on it. He said, "Just send whatever you have." So I did, and I think I regret it. We'll see.

Church is good. We're about 2 or 3 weeks away from moving into the new building, which will be very exciting. This week we had our first College/Career meeting. It consisted of the Pastor, Reggie (the adult who will lead the group, I think), a girl named Rachel, and myself. It was kind of cool, though, because it really became a planning meeting, of sorts. We talked about what the College Group should look like, what kind of things we would do. It was fun.

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